Dual Contest Overview


22 high profile duals run weekly throughout the season

Choose the winner, confidence points and decision type for each match

Dual format scoring 6 fall, 5 Tech, 4 Major, 3 Decision + bonus points if you guess the decision type correctly

Standings are determined by your top 12 finishes so you do not have to play in all contests

Prizes for the season-long winner and each dual contest

Max one entry per dual

Regular Season Contest


Choose any 12 wrestlers

Stay under a 1200 point salary cap that is based on Nov 19th rankings

Dual format scoring 6 fall, 5 Tech, 4 Major, 3 Decision + Cliff Keen final placement points will be added as a bonus

We will score any match your wrestlers are in from December - February

Your top 10 scoring wrestlers will count toward the standings

Scoring will udpate weekly

Total Prize package of $2500 in Nike or Adidas dollars (** based on 50 entries)

1st $1500, 2nd $400, 3rd $300, 4th $200, 5th $100

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